BUT my bite is pretty much perfect, and once the swelling goes down I'm sure I will be very happy with the results.
26th June: 1st day in hospital. Waiting game.
Ward was quiet, only 3 of us on the ward. Had blood taken - nearly passed out because I hate needles. Had more blood taken later on in the evening which wasn't as bad. Was told not to eat anything past 12am and not to drink anything after 3am. Then watched big brother and fell asleep.
27th June - DAY OF OP
27th June - DAY OF OP
Woke up. Starving....nurse comes round with the beautiful gown and support socks. The two hours before surgery were the scariest. Chatted to the nurses but when it was time to go I couldn't stop crying (huge wimp, I know), the main thing I was worried about was the pain. Mom walked me up to the theatre and then wasn't allowed any further. Sat in a room for about half an hour alone with loads running through my head then two nurses brought me into the room with the anesthetist. They calmed me down loads and we spoke about holidays and I asked if they could give me a boob job and tummy tuck while they were in there.....
7 hours later I woke up and kept trying to fight off nurses and trying to get the oxygen mask off my face (awkward patient or what. If I was a nurse I'd hate me). Mom was there when I was taken back to the ward, then she left and I had a massive nose bleed which didn't stop all night and there were tubes in my nose which felt horrible too. The pain wasn't so bad at that point, really uncomfortable though and the wires and mask felt so tight on my face. But I was just relieved it was all over and I fell asleep.
28th June - I love painkiller and visitors with presents :)
I had all the tubes taken out of my nose which left dry blood that meant I couldn't breathe out of my nose - horrible, and it hurt when we tried to clear away the blood. I was being given steriods to help with the swelling, and also painkiller through a tube in my hand. I also had to try and eat weetabix from a beaker which was 90% milk and 10% weetabix - VILE. Had a wash and managed to sit in the chair instead of being in bed. Walked a little to and from the toilet but refused to look in a mirror. Matt (The BF) came to visit with new pyjamas and slippers and dvds which made me feel a lot better :D, but couldn't really talk very well or hold a conversation which I'd imagine was pretty boring. Had an attempt at brushing my teeth with a baby's toothbrush which hurt and also had to use an antiseptic mouthwash which stung. Had codeine and some other horrible medicine which was disgusting to drink, but they made me fall asleep and couldn't feel the pain as much which was great!
29th June - Home sweet home
Dr came to see me and said I could go home YAY :).... Looked in the mirror, I look like a fish - lips look massive, cheeks are even bigger and swelling under my eyes. Big massive face. Then it took all day to wait for my medication to be sent up from the pharmacy. Had a final lot of meds before I left which sent me loopy and found out after I'd been laughing at pictures of animals in the hospital - how weird, don't remember. Had to be put in a wheelchair which was awful because everyone looks at you. Slept most of the journey home took 2 and a half hours, then got home had soup and a yoghurt (I now hate yoghurts: so sick of them never want to see one again in my life). Visit from my Nan and Grandad which cheered me up, then went to bed.
...will do another post for recovery period soon :)
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